Saturday, December 31, 2011

Questions which Remain Mystery(ies)

Recently, my mind keeps enquiring ridiculous questions which no one would know the answers (well, merely my assumption. Never try to ask my acquaintances though.)
I think it would be kind of profligate to make single post for each enquiry.
Therefore, I decide to compile them in this very posting.
Enjoy the absurdity of my non-sense thoughts!

When we are living our lifes,
does it mean we are struggling to write our own fate,


no matter how hard our efforts are,
we are actually doing nothing but throwing ourselves into what has been written for us?

Human can't be detached from labels.
Numbers, names, nicknames...
I wonder
in which label God would call us when he talks to us

(since I've never experienced such conversation),
for our names are actually human-made?

Jan 16th, 2012
After watching 'The Fight Club'
I wonder how would I live my life
If I haven't told how to live a decent one
by parents, by teachers, friends
or society

...Would I live rather freely
or I would just end up wandering aimlessly?

How does exactly one (who acclaimes that he has good instinct and such)

distinguish between 'instincts' and 'paranoia'?


Will be updated regularly.
Feel free to response if you think you have answers to my senseless curiosity.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It's unfair, is not it.
To observe that some people know what they want in life as soon as they learn to talk,
(I'm not exaggerating it. Through Wikipedia I found out recently that some people actually do so.)
while the rest still wondering what really the purpose of their life is when their hair already start to whiten?

Is one's ability to possess it brought by nature, from birth
or is it completely autonomous, by nurture?

If it's by nature,
then is it true,
that some people are meant to be something,
and the rest are going to be just nobody?

If it's by nurture,
why... in such young age?


God (?)

Tuhan, Kamu di mana?

Ketika namamu dijadikan tameng untuk pencitraan semata
oleh orang-orang munafik itu...
...Di mana Kamu, Tuhan?

Ketika kami mulai merasa hati nurani ini bukan bisikanMu,
melainkan hanya akumulasi dan bentukan norma sosial...
...Di mana Kamu, Tuhan?

Ketika kami mulai membuat justifikasi-justifikasi
dan segalanya jatuh dalam relativitas...
Hitam dan putih menjadi abu...
...Di mana Kamu, Tuhan?



Kamu di sana?

*meraba-raba dalam gelap*

Monday, December 26, 2011

Paradoxical Enquiry

Random scratch during boring session of certain occasion.

Here and there, I see people shouting and wailing about death cause by starvation,
about how unequal and unfair it is...
They say, approximately 25,000 people die of hunger everyday.
What a perplexing statistic and fact, isn't it?


I also see how certain people complaining and becoming anxious about how abundant today's world population is. And it keeps growing, due to inability of third world countries to halt birth rate. Failed programs to educate their citizens.

This is where I think it's getting odd.
Why, on earth, do people keep on persisting to decrease death rate caused by poverty, abortions, and such,
when it is actually helping them to prevent uncontrolled growth of earth inhabitants?

Ah, my questioning the motive of people's persistence seems ridiculous, doesn't it?
It's understandable that they keep on doing so:
For the sake of humanity.

But what if I view it this way,
that those phenomenons are simply the way life trying to balance itself?
Balancing between life and death.
Yin and Yang.

Of course, if we view it specifically, case per case of starvation, what I've been saying will seem inappropriate.

After all, they suffer.
It was not instant death. They suffer to the point they have no more urge to live,
wishing that death will approach them himself.
Definitely, this is not the ideal condition we would wish to happen to us.


This macroscopical point of view makes me sounds cruel, doesn't it?
Either this blows your mind, or you find it as silly as other fallacies are.
Enlighten me, someone?

Monday, December 12, 2011


Things are getting too demanding.

Things that I thought would ease and have better understanding upon me are starting to demand their rights, too.

Things that used to hold me so I won't fall apart are now ones that torn me.

I don't know which to prioritise,

or I think I know. But then turns out I was wrong.

They are now against me.

I am confused, yet really am weary.

I wish I could just hibernate, or you guys could just ignore me for awhile.

Pretending that I am not here.

I need time to keep up so I will not lose myself.

I am tired.

Not sure if it was too heavy, or it is me who is weak.

But it is amazing is not it, to see how much burden such fragile human can bear?

I am not going to die soon, I promise (at least by my own hands).

I will prove how mighty human is in terms of survival.

The video is not somewhat related to the writing, but watching it enhanced what I have been feeling towards things lately. So I feel like somehow obligatory to embed it here.

Sunday, December 4, 2011




* * *

Dear Women,

Tell me,
why are we so trapped by that society-defined 'beauty'?

It changes through times anyway.

Pictures' source: vintage weight-gain ads