Sunday, April 24, 2011

365 days

It's 24th. of April. Year 2011.

Most of people would associate today with Sunday.

Christians would associate it with Easter.

But not us.

For us, this is not just another plain Sunday to get lazy on,

nor just another Easter to celebrate on.

It's supposed to be the day we reminisce that

A year ago on this exact date, we acknowledged each others' feelings
without emitting unnecessary words
because by looking into your eyes I simply understood
that the gasps between my fingers were about to be filled
that the vacant space in my heart were about to be occupied
with, no other than, your presence.

I wouldn't realize that 365 days were passed already
I didn't feel like counting those days
They say, time will surely passes in a blink of an eye
if we're doing something we fond of
True, I've never feel burdened to walk this road with your companion

I had never known before that one's day could be brighten up by a single smile of certain people
Yet, you prove it could.

I had never known before whether one could hold a feeling this massive
Yet, you prove it right.

Without intention of making this a prolix way of expressing my gratitude,
let me say this:
for making me feel warm,
for being there when there's no one to stay,
for making me taking chances I hardly take,
for willing to stay with me this far,

Thank you.

They say, nothing is forever.
But I sincerely hope,
with full consciousness of letting myself being too much naive,

we could stay this way


Friday, April 22, 2011

Freedom, at last

Resmi sudah sebulan saya nggak nge-blog. Tolong dimengerti ini bukan karena saya males atau ingkar janji, tapi karena saya nggak punya waktu. #alesan

Eh tapi sumpah ini bukan #alesan. Sekitar sebulan terakhir perhatian saya tersita buat hal yang bikin semua anak kelas 12 cape fisik dan mental: UJIAN NASIONAL

jreng jreng

Padahal UN-nya sendiri cuma 4 hari, tapi persiapannya itu ajubileeee.
Sebulan terakhir kami digenjot soal-soal latihan, ditakut-takuti anceman nggak lulus, digoda oleh tawaran buat beli soal, dll dll pokoknya hectic banget sampai saya mikir, dulu pas UN SMP rasanya nggak seheboh ini deh. Bener.

Tapi kini...

Ijinkan saya jungkir balik, salto, roll  depan, dan kayang sampe patah tulang karena akhirnya



*jungkir balik, salto, roll depan, dan kayang sampe patah tulang*

well, resminya kemaren sih.

Readers, you probably don't really know how much I've been wanting for this day to come. No, not wanting. More like craving.

Craving for the day I left my senior high-school life right behind.

Saya sudah bosan, boleh dibilang jenuh, dengan masa SMA.
Saya bosan dengan lingkungan yang itu-itu aja. Saya bosan dengan fase yang sepertinya stagnan. Saya bosan dengan tempat di mana saya tidak bisa berkembang. Pokoknya bosan.

Katanya, masa SMA itu masa-masa paling indah dan tak terlupakan. Nggak bilang itu salah, karena pas SMA itu emang banyak kejadian lucu, rame, pertemanan yang katanya unyu, bla bla bla.

Memorable, sih.

Tapi entah kenapa saya nggak ngalamin yang semacem "aduh rasanya sayang ya, nggak pengen lulus deh", which I thought I would (based on people's confessions upon this high school thingy). Saya jelas-jelas pengen cepat-cepat lulus.

Saya sempet cerita ke beberapa orang tentang ini. Some say I would kinda regret it and gonna miss it later. But I don't see that coming, somehow. I definitely want to move forward.

Anyhow... I am fully excited about the upcoming holiday.

Liburan kali ini panjang banget memang, sekitar 4-5 bulan sampe sebelum masuk kuliah.
Tapi saya punya banyak rencana buat liburan ini. Hal teratas dalam daftar saya: habisin literatur yang masih menggunung. Ya, sebagian besar buku dari daftar holiday plan saya yang lalu masih belum saya sentuh.

Bagi saya, hedon itu laper mata dan belanja buku-buku yang belum tentu sempet saya baca. Jadi, yah gini deh jadinya. Saya pengin selesain semua buku itu dengan satu motivasi: supaya bisa beli lebih banyak buku lagi.

Sincerely hoping that I wouldn't get bored sometime later in this 5-months-length holiday.

Terakhir, selamat Hari Bumi

dan selamat Jumat Agung bagi yang merayakan! :)